Darlingtonia Wayside - Florence, Oregon

Darlingtonia Wayside - Florence, Oregon

Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside is one of the most accessible bogs of carnivorous plants in the United States. There is an easily traveled boardwalk from the parking lot to the Darlingtonia californica, Cobra lilies. The bog is located just north of Florence, Oregon on the east side of Highway 101, 5.9 miles north of town. It is a very impressive site with thousands of very visible California Pitcher Plants. There are several interpretive signs that explain the natural history and carnivorous habit of the cobra lilies. I was impressed with the beauty of the site, its ease of accessibility, and the sheer, delightful numbers of Darlingtonia californica.

Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside Darlingtonia State Botanical Wayside

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